February Goals

The first of February got here a little quicker than I expected. It really is true…the older you get, the faster time seems to fly.

I have two goals for this month, not “resolutions” but actual projects I want to finish by the 29th (thank you, Leap Year, for giving me that extra day). Granted, I have some general things I’d like to accomplish as well…like cooking at home more and getting to the gym most days of the week…but that’s kind of an ongoing thing.

1. Finish knitting the baby blanket – I don’t have a catchy name for said baby blanket, but it’s going to be for my newest neice or nephew due in June. If I gave myself until closer to the due date, I’d have plenty of time to finish, but I also have some other knitting projects on the list, including two sweater requests and an undetermined number of knitted socks for my mother, who has talked me into giving her a pair of mine until I can knit her another pair of her own (this is cool with me…I don’t wear them often enough and I know she will, so they’ll be going to a good home).

2. Finish my correspondence class – Last April I started a correspondence class through my job. I had a year to complete it, so wouldn’t you know, I put most of it off for several months. Now I’m ready to get it done and over with, and having it done by the end of February would put me in a good position to start another one early in the year (one of my Day Zero goals is to do every correspondence course offered by my company).

I could probably set more, but I don’t want to get overwhelmed and burned out. I’ll still be working on my book-a-week reading goal, my quest to clean and pack the apartment, and my mission to stay organized and on top of things, but at least I have a couple things that I can actually celebrate upon completion.

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